Monday, April 11, 2011

Snap Matter Photo Contest is over. Now on to Issue Two!

Congratulations to Nicole Roberts on winning the Snap Matter Magazine Photo Contest. Nicole's image by WinterWolf Studios will be published in the second issue of Snap Matter Magazine that will be published in early June. Nicole also wins $100 cash for her winning image. If you would like to see all of the honored images, go to or go to the Contest Winners Snap Matter Magazine Blog.

Now that the photo contest is over, it is time to put all my attention into the second issue. Impressive it will be as well. I have content rolling in from all around the nation and I couldn't be more excited! The second issue will be geared toward the summer months, so you should be seeing a few bathing suits. Everybody loves bikinis, right? Right? Along with other summer looks, you'll still get a heapin' helpin' of pinup, alternative, even edgy, glamour and fashion.

I'm wrapping up a couple shoots here on the west coast to meet an early June deadline, and then I'll be looking through more submissions for the third and final issue of the year for Snap Matter. I already have the green light for an editorial and pictorial for Sonja Lux of Bella Morte Magazine in the third issue in September, so if you love the alternative feel behind Bella Morte Magazine... You're going to want to tune in to read about Sonja, the brains and beauty behind the publication.

I also have a few surprises planned for the summer months, but I will update you on those the closer we get to the heart of Summer. If you haven't joined the Snap Matter Magazine Network yet, it's free, it's easy, and growing with models, photographers and even fans of the magazine. Here is a personal invite to get on board early!

Have a great day, and be sure to check out the Snap Matter Magazine Facebook page as well!

Eric Courtney

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